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sad persons造句

  • I would have been a sad person for a long time.
  • She mentions that Orpheus was a sweet yet sad person.
  • I think she is essentially a very sad person.
  • I started saying, ` Damn, this sad person is not who I really am!
  • To this day one can hear a Maltese idiom " Wi   Laskri " which is used to describe a nervous and sad person.
  • I was tremendously surprised that she shows herself to be very mentally disturbed and a very sad person who has been badly treated by the world,
  • Her findings clearly indicated that participants who were exposed to either an angry or a sad person were inclined to express support for the angry person rather than for a sad one.
  • Calkins says to focus on the big picture _ Is Edward a happy or sad person, a good or bad guy ? _ and not on specific facts : What color is his hair?
  • "I used to be kind of a sad person, but then I started going out and having fun and being chatty with people even when I didn't feel like it.
  • :: : : Geez, I must look like a very bitter and sad person, removing all this funny stuff, lol-- talk ) 22 : 56, 23 March 2008 ( UTC)
  • It's difficult to see sad persons in a sentence. 用sad persons造句挺难的
  • "You have to find a way to get into their skin even if you're playing a most unpleasant person, a sad person, an angry person, a monster, " she says.
  • "We are now able to pass on an emotional contagion, where one sad person can through their body and facial language pass on sorrow and grief to hundreds of other people, " he said.
  • Please ignore the troll who psoted about COI . Check his posting history Special : Contributions / and you will see that he is a sad person who only posts negative information about Metropolis.
  • Among 1, 000 youths, aged 12-18, two-thirds described a smoker as " a sad person, " while 75 percent found non-smokers to be energetic, the health committee said, citing a poll by the IPSOS firm.
  • "The great thing here is that when there's a delay I can wander off and look at something I've not seen before, whereas when I'm in Manchester I just sit in my room and stare out the window like a sad person,"
  • People quite often say,'oh, you write these sad lyrics but you're not a sad person'- and I'm not . . . I don't think you need to be sad to write a sad song, everybody has a dark side ."
  • But he adds : " Before you think to yourself, ` What a sad person,'I'd like to add that I'm by no means the only light-bulb joke fan on the Net, and that stamp collecting is still an extremely popular hobby here, and what could be more time-wasting than that?
  • As someone said to me the other day they had seen the HBO special and they said, " Are you really a sad obsessed person ? " And I thought, No, I'm not really a sad person, except when I lie awake at night in winter thinking about all the animals out without shelter, and then I'm sad!
  • He then tells her that he has realized that bullies will always exist, and while such stages in life seem as if they will last forever to children, one day he will grow into a happy adult, and as she lies dying in a hospital, he will visit her to show her that he is still alive and happy, while she will die the same empty, sad person she's always been.
  • In February 2015, Dolan responded to a letter from Irving Bierman, a 73-year-old, lifelong Knicks fan, that criticized Dolan's ownership of the Knicks and questioned his leadership with a seething letter of his own, telling the fan to " root for the Nets because the Knicks don't want you " and that Bierman was " a sad person " and probably an " alcoholic maybe " ., Dolan later addressed the issue with the press, but did not apologize, only saying the letter was a case of " tit for tat " and declaring the incident " over " ., Newly appointed NBA Commissioner Adam Silver did not reprimand or penalize Dolan, but instead further brushed the incident under the rug by calling Dolan a " consummate New Yorker who received " an unkind email and responded with an unkind email .,
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